
The Complete Guide to Facial Cleansing: How To Keep Skin Vibrant and Healthy

Facial Cleansing

Facial cleansing is a fundamental cornerstone of skin care that affects the health and vitality of our skin.

As the body’s largest organ, the skin acts as a protective shield against a barrage of external pollutants, microbes and harsh environmental factors. As a result, our skin is constantly covered in dirt, bacteria, viruses, pollutants and dead skin cells throughout the day.

This accumulation of impurities, if not properly cleansed, can cause us various skin problems and make it difficult for our other skin products to penetrate properly. That’s why cleansing the face is essential to keeping skin clean, healthy and glowing.

What types of face cleansers are out there?

What Types Of Face Cleansers Are Out There


There are a number of facial cleansers available, each designed for different skin types and specific skin needs. When choosing a facial cleanser, understanding these different variations and their compatibility is as important as the cleansers themselves.

Here is a list of the different types of facial cleansers, their characteristics and how suitable they are for different types of skin:

Foaming Cleansers

If you have oily or acne-prone skin, a foaming face cleanser should be your first choice, as their formulations are typically designed to remove excess oil and impurities. These cleansers use surfactants, which are compounds that reduce the surface tension between the skin and the cleanser, allowing it to effectively remove dirt, oil and impurities. The foaming and lathering action of refreshing foam cleansers also helps to gently remove accumulated dirt and sebum.

Oil Cleansers

Oil Cleansers


Oil face cleansers have gained popularity as the preferred choice for effectively removing makeup, sebum and impurities while maintaining the skin’s natural moisture balance. These cleansers are particularly beneficial if you have dry and sensitive skin.

Gentle cleansing oils work on the principle of ‘like dissolves like’, oil-based cleansers effectively dissolve oil-based impurities on the skin without stripping the face of its natural oils. This helps to maintain a balanced, hydrated complexion.

Cream Cleansers

Offering a gentle cleansing experience with moisture, cream based face cleansers are designed for dry and sensitive skin. Unlike other cleansers, cream cleansers typically do not foam or lather and are designed to leave skin feeling moisturised and supple after use.

Gentle milky cleansers also typically have an emollient-rich formula that helps to maintain the skin’s moisture barrier, providing a comfortable, soothing, non-irritating cleansing experience. Cream-based cleansers often contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin or natural oils, which contribute to their moisturising properties.

Powder Face cleansers

Powder Face Cleansers


Powder face cleansers are an excellent choice, especially if you love to travel. These unique cleansers come in a finely milled powdered form, offering versatility and effectiveness across different skin types. Their powdered format not only extends their shelf life but also reduces the risk of spillage, which is why they are great for travel.

One of the most appealing aspects of powder face cleansers is their adaptability. By adjusting the water-to-powder ratio, users can customise the strength of the cleanser to their liking, all from one bottle.

Some powder cleansers even incorporate mild exfoliating properties derived from natural ingredients. For example, House of Immortelle’s Powder Cleanser offers exfoliation with ingredients such as petitgrain, geranium and rosemary, while cleansing the skin, making it an ideal choice for acne-prone skin.

If powder cleansers are not your preference, House of Immortelle offers alternative cleansers to suit different skin care needs.

Tips for choosing a cleaner

Understanding the benefits and compatibility of different types of facial cleansers is essential to choosing a cleanser that can effectively cleanse your skin while maintaining your skin’s natural moisture barrier and overall skin health.

Here are some tips for choosing a face cleanser that suits your needs:

1. Consider your skin type

Consider Your Skin Type


Identify whether you have dry, oily, combination, sensitive or acne-prone skin and choose a cleanser designed for your specific skin type.

2. Look for the right ingredients

You should look for ingredients that address your skin type and skin concerns. For example, if you have acne-prone skin, look for non-comedogenic cleansers that will not clog your pores.

3. Read reviews and get recommendations

Looking for reviews and recommendations from people or influencers with the same skin type as you can be especially helpful.

Tips on how to cleanse your skin

1. Consistent cleansing routine

It is recommended to cleanse the face twice a day, morning and evening, to remove impurities without stripping the skin of its natural oils. Over-washing can disrupt the skin’s natural balance, potentially causing irritation or increased oil production.

2. Cleanse after exercise

After sweating, it is important to cleanse the face to remove sweat, bacteria and impurities. Accumulated sweat can clog pores, potentially causing breakouts or skin irritation. Gentle cleansing after exercise helps maintain skin health.

3. Pat dry

After cleansing, it is important to pat the skin dry rather than rub it vigorously. Patting helps retain moisture and prevents unnecessary pulling on the skin, which can reduce the risk of irritation.

4. Apply moisturiser after cleansing

Apply Moisturiser After Cleansing


Apply your moisturiser immediately after cleansing, as the moisture in your skin will help to lock in moisture, leaving you feeling more hydrated and smoother throughout the day.

Final thoughts

Facial cleansing is more than just a routine step in your skincare routine; it’s an essential part of maintaining healthy, vibrant skin.
A consistent and appropriate facial cleansing routine can lead to a rejuvenated, radiant complexion and ensure that skin looks and feels its best.