Beauty / Skincare

Double-Cleansing Made Easy

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What is double cleansing anyways?  It’s literally washing your face twice to make sure that you’ve removed all dirt and makeup from your skin and prepped for the rest of your skincare routine.  I don’t know about you, but most nights, I have a hard time sticking to washing my face once so how am I supposed to commit to doing it twice???When it’s time to wash my face, I’m usually exhausted and just want to go to sleep. But we all know where that leads: dirty pillows cases, clogged pores, irritated skin and breakouts.  Yuck!  Washing our faces should be #1 in our skincare priorities without a doubt.  I’ve taken into account how hard it is to stick to a routine so I’ve tested a bunch of products to come up with a routine that I can do even on those extra tired days and not have to worry about my skin not getting cleaning .

The key points in any double cleansing routine  are makeup removal and cleansing.  Most double-cleansing routines call for all liquid products, like using an oil to break down makeup followed by a separate cleanser; which makes the whole thing totally unsustainable in the long run.  One thing I have learned is that having good skin is all about being consistent; consistent with your water intake, with your cleansing, treating and protecting, so if a routine is too complicated it’s guaranteed that you won’t continue it for more than a week and will have wasted time and money.  I know I’m not alone in that – am I right?

Step 1: Makeup Removal

Makeup wipes are the key to making this routine adaptable and I’ve gone through them all; the super hyped-up brands, the expensive ones, the affordable ones and I always go back to my trusted favorites.  Koh Gen Do Cleansing Spa Wipes, $13-39 are thick towelettes soaked in the brand’s signature micellar water, which is made with “mineral-rich hot spring water and six essential herbs” and without all the bad stuff.  With other brands I would have to use a few wipes to take off my makeup but with these I can take a full face of makeup off with ONE of these towelettes!  These also have never irritated my skin or eyes which has been a problem with other brands.  These wipes are  the key to those extra lazy days because they do such a good job, I don’t have to worry that I’m going to break out the next day if I’m too tired to follow up with a cleanse!
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Step2:  Cleansing

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I have learned that using oil-based cleansers or balms works best for my combination skin because they don’t strip it of it’s moisture, which ends up causing excess oil production(!).  My regular go-to cleanser is Tatcha’s Camelia Cleansing Oil, $15-48 because it breaks down any left over waterproof products not removed by the wipes, rinses away easily and leaves my skin feeling soft and hydrated.  For days that I want to feel more pampered and take my time, I love using Eve Lom’s Cleansing Balm, $24-135 because it smells amazing and leaves my skin feeling so soft that I almost don’t need moisturizer.  Another good cleansing balm is Clinque’s Take the Day Off Cleansing Balm, $30.

As I said before, this routine is lazy girl proof because the products help decrease the time the whole process takes AND they’re made with top notch ingredients that help your skin look it’s best.  It’s basically a win-win.  I haven’t had any breakouts, except hormone-related ones and even those are few and far between, since I’ve switched to this routine.  Most of these products come in smaller sizes, which makes it easy to test drive this routine without spending a lot of money.  Try it out and let me know how it works for you!

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